When we step back and look at what this time of year is meant for it gives things a different perspective.
We first start with Thanksgiving. Umm Food and Football right! Thanksgiving is a time to be thankful, thankful for all the many blessings that God has given us. A time to relax with friends and/or family. Thanksgiving was originally a time to be thankful for the fruit of the Harvest and a time to honor the original pilgrims that left England. To many people it becomes a time of juggling different dinners and if we are not careful we can become so busy that we forget to stop and give Thanks.
Before the left overs are finished the next holiday is here. Shoppers head out early the day after Thanksgiving to save a buck or two. (side note: after working retail for several "Black Fridays" I do think any money is worth facing that mob) Before we know it the meaning of Christmas is swept away and filled with a consumer, materialistic, and secular focus.
This year for my wife's family we did a "stocking exchange" we each drew names and are responsible to fill the stocking of the name that we drew. Now this is going to be challenging, I cannot revel my name as no one is to know until Christmas, but I am excited about this. IT adds to what Christmas is about....I have to go out on my own and shop for something that I think will make this person feel really special.
CHRIST-mas is a time to remember the awesome gift that God gave to us, we were not deserving but because of God's love for us he gave us the gift of eternal life in Heaven with him by means of his son Jesus.
This love, this free gift was not what we deserved, however God offers it freely. I hope I can show a little of God's love this Christmas season.