Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Wake-Up America

America is facing a very interesting time. We have companies closing their doors left and right, Goodbye Circuit City, Farewell World Market. I'll miss your burgers Steak & Ale. Steve & Barry's - the $6.99 store was too good to be true. Foreclosures are on the rise devaluing my property daily. The Dow keeps falling lower and lower. Is it time? Can we wake up? To we even get the point yet? We Spend More than we make!!!

Alright folks it is time to break out the wood chipper, chainsaw, hedge trimmer or plan ol' scissors. It is time to stop living on credit.

Here are some alarming facts about credit cards (according to an article that I read, I did not do the research on this)

  • The Average American has 4 credit cards
  • 1 in 7 American have more than 10 Credit Cards
  • Charge-off rate is up 40% from 1/2008 to 1/2009
  • In 1990 Average American Credit Card debt was $2,966 in 2007 up to $9,840
  • 40% of card holders do not pay of their bills monthly and of these 40% they paid the credit card companies a total of $18.1 Billion in Fees
  • 72% of Americans believe debt is just a part of live in America
  • 43% of College freshmen have at least 1 credit card, 74% of forth and fifth year students
  • US Visa Cardholders conduct over $1 Trillion in annual volume
  • Total Credit Card debt is roughly $880 Billion
  • 40% of Americans spend more than they earn
If that isn't an indication of why America is seeing financial trouble now I don't know what is. Americans got caught up in this materialistic, egotistic, self-centered ideology where they expected to get whatever the media told them they had to have. Americans finance homes, cars, clothes, education, furniture, meals, electronics, toys, movies, and the list goes on.
The art of saving for something that you want has all but vanished in this "I gotta have it now" world. As radio host Dave Ramsey says "We buy things we can't afford, with money we don't have, to impress people we don't like"
About a year ago my wife and I got on this no-debt kick. We realized the "life" we could have without debt is much better than the one we could have with debt. Sure my car isn't as nice as yours and my watch doesn't say Tag Heuer on it but I enjoy my simple life. Living below your means frees up a lot of stress and anxiety that are simply not needed. I read a story yesterday of a father that killed himself and family due to financial problems - How sad that our world view is wrapped up in the monetary substance that we place a value on. I am now convinced that Americans need a "wake-up" call. They need something to rattle their cages and make them realized that tomorrow's income is not guaranteed. Having a savings plan is smart, not being consumed with debt is smart, not allowing yourself to live paycheck to paycheck to accumulate junk is smart.
The bible is pretty clear on it's view of debt.
  • Proverbs 22:7 The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower becomes the lender's slave
  • 1 Corinthians 7:23 - You were bought with a price; do not become slaves of men
  • Psalm 37:21 - The wicked borrows and does not pay back, but the righteous is gracious and gives
  • Proverbs 17:18 A man lacking in sense pledges, and becomes surety in the presence of his neighbors

The bible points to debt as a point of slavery, it calls debtors foolish and even cursed. It is time America especially Christians to start acting your Wage! begin the road to becoming financially free,don't you think it is time?

Monday, February 16, 2009

Crazy Busy Life is just begining!

7 Months along- wow less than 3 to go. The nursery is done, the excitement is growing, and the "time" is fading. I don't' know what it is but our schedules just magically fill up.

Sunday: Church, Church is so important to Candace and I and we love the fact that we found a great Bible preaching Church - just wish it was not 45 minutes away. After Church we typically run errands, take care of things around the house, try to nap, but Sunday Nights Candace and I co-lead a Crown Financial Bible Study. It is an awesome study on how to manage your finances in a way that pleases the one who gives it to you.

Monday nights: are now consumed with Bradley Classes, this is some new aged, hippy, child-birth class that focuses on being all natural - My wife totally wants everything natural no drugs for her. Actually I admire her for that and am glad it will not be me. The class is a 12 week program that will tell us "everything" we need to know about child birth.

Tuesday Nights: Tuesday nights are our Small group bible study night. We have some pretty awesome people that come and Candace and I have been able to make friends with people that Love Jesus and want to learn more about what it is like to follow Christ.

Wednesday Nights: Hump day, half way to the breaking point but on Wednesday nights I host a trivia show at TGI Friday's in Southaven, MS. This show starts at 8 ends around 10. It is actually pretty fun, easy to host, and brings in a little extra cash.

Thursday is a repeat of Wednesday night but instead of TGIF it is at the Southaven Buffalo Wild Wings and starts at 7:30

Friday: We are making up our first few Baby Classes that we missed.

Saturday: finally the day to ourselves. Actually this day is spent running errands, taking care of the house, and finishing construction on our 4th bedroom and office

All this to say that our lives fill up rather quickly, too quickly most of the time. It is important to not let life pass us by in the hustle. This pregnancy is an awesome time for Candace and I and as much as we anticipate meeting the new lil one growing in her belly we also want to enjoy this time. There is something to Simplicity, I have been learning contentment and simplicity over the last few months. I have to say that there is something to that. We in America tend to spend our lives striving for the next thing, the better life, the bigger house, that we too often loose focus of the here and now. We need to enjoy our lives for what we have and where we are in life. Find beauty in the ups and downs and imperfections along the way.