Friday, March 6, 2009

Happy Friday

another week goes by and another week closer to the life changing status of father becomes all to real. This weekend Candace has her first shower then next week another one, and before we know it we move into April then May (less than 10 weeks now..)

Things became more real this week as we had to go for a special ultrasound as the baby has a little extra fluid on it's kidneys. This sounds relatively common but the docs just want to monitor the baby a little closer. The part that made it real was the 45 minute ultrasound. This was not just a quick peek here and there... it wasn't this dark black and medium gray image something that looks like it belongs on the sci-fi channel this was a real 3-D image. The tech showed us the full head of hair on the baby...(already passed dad up on that)

Candace and I have also been going through Bradley Classes...similar to Lamaze but Bradley focuses on all natural non-medicated births something Candace is crazy enough, and tough enough, to want to do. The classes are very interesting to see everything that is happening during pregnancy and birth. How the baby begins to breathe on it's own after the cord is cut and how little levers close off for good or how the baby turns in preparation for delivery.

The entire process certainly should leave one to think that this is all intelligent creation and not just some random act of luck.
Hope you all have a pleasant and safe weekend. God Bless

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