Only 4 weeks left (or that's what the experts guess anyways)... ready or not the baby will arrive before we know it. What an incredible experience this will be. Candace and I will be moving from a Married couple to a Family, the next step in our life journey.
We are both excited as the days get closer and we check items off of our lists. We will soon know whether we will have a little boy or a little girl, whether it will resemble mom or dad.
The next 4 weeks or so will flyby as I hear the next 18 years will, what a joy and blessing that God has granted us the opportunity to become parents. We are entrusted with the responsibility of this little life to nurture, mold, educate into the person they will become. What an honor.
I have an amazing wife that I know will be an awesome mother. Through everything that she has been doing, researching, preparing, and so on she will be a great mother.
Do you have a preference?
Well either would be fine, (i better say that anyways) but truthfully I do would rather see a boy first. Simply for the "protecting older brother thing" however, if it is a girl I will be overjoyed and happy and who knows she may make a perfect wife for some little Van boy to be born this year
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