Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Where are your treasures stored?

401K, Mutual funds, stocks and bond? Yesterday's sever hit on "The Street" had every news station talking. Speculation of what the economy is going to face next and the doom and gloom presence of the liberal media telling everyone the world is over, thanks DubYa. They interviewed people that lost thousands in retirement accounts...which people tend to forget that there is a level of risk involved in any investment, but that is another post another day.

This morning the chapter I read in the Purpose Driven Life was talking about where your treasures are stored. I think most Christians are familiar with Matthew 6:20 "But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steel" While reading the chapter this morning I found the timing ironic, many Americans and investors worldwide are closely watching the happenings with Wall Street to see if it will come back (which it is up a couple hundred so far this morning). This chapter was a breath of fresh air, I have heard the message time and time again but it was simple reminder to say "It doesn't matter what happens the things of this earth are not important." Keeping your focus on Christ and taking your focus off of the earthly things makes everything just a little more bearable. Sure we (as Christians) are called to provide for our families, and I believe that includes being financially smart with your money. It is wise to invest, it is good to have plans, goals and budgets, but it is not good to get consumed by the market. Your emotions should not fluctuate with your portfolio.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Cracker Jack MBA

so as I approach the end of the MBA journey I started to think "was this worth it" This journey started just about three years ago, cost about $30,000 and many hours of my time. My last class is the big daddy Capstone class. In this class we are forced to work in teams and due to the transition I am doing everything online. One of our team members was ridiculously lazy, wrote poorly, and put no effort into the team. It took almost four weeks before the proverbial poo hit the fan. This team member submitted a final draft for one section of our project that was completely unacceptable (this was so bad that if I had submitted it to my 5th grade teacher she would've failed me). DUN DUN DUN.... the confrontation

Being the meek quite type (sarcasm) I spoke up and let this team member know that he wasn't pulling his weight. What does he do? emails the entire team and said he quit because of what I said. (my email wasn't that bad). So for the next week he didn't participate in our group and we were forced to redo his portion of the assignment. Something that should have taken two weeks we now only had two days. We did it, finished it and the professor gave us great compliments on it..but back to the story...

This team member (after the majority of the work was done) emailed everyone an apology and asked to be accepted back in. ...yeah I was shocked... it gets even better.

The professor had a conference call with everyone to discuss how we could let this individual back into the group. The professor worked every angle she could to get us to allow him back in, she actually believed him that he is trying.

We stood firm , he was not allowed back into our group and I really do not know what has happened to him since. This experience really ticked me off and got me thinking "What's the MBA really worth?"

If the professor and this student had their way he would've been accepted back in, done minimal work and walked out with the same grade and degree that I did. Then this guy getting into the "real world" proclaims that he earned an MBA from Keller bam the value of my MBA just dropped.

I take pride in my work, I am running a 3.95 GPA for my grad classes but if the school and professors continue to pass through undeserving students the value of the MBA program will diminish little by little.

The title to this blog Cracker Jack MBA.... It's like grabbing a box of cracker jacks, dumping out the popcorn to find your prize,

there it is...the golden ticket...

a nicely packaged MBA Diploma

.....you lucky dog you...

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Simplify. Do What Matters Most!

Today our church launches a 40 day campaign called "Simplify. Do What matters most" This campaign is much like the purpose driven life campaign that swept through the US a few years back. Our church will be using this book, the video message, and our pastor's own messages to help us to focus our lives to do what matters most. This is also paired with "Front Porch Groups"..what's that?...(yeah I know it's a southern thing I think) Front Porch Groups are small groups that extend beyond the walls of the church. The idea is to get people in the church involved with those that live near them. This involvement the moves outward to neighbors and communities. Candace and I are hosting a Front Porch Group to reach anyone in the Southaven, MS area..it should be fun. If anyone is interested in listening to our pastor's message it should be available via our website soon. http://www.colliervillebible.org/

On the baby front..
Well today Candace told me she wants to have Peanuts for dinner....i guess the cravings are starting. She also feels a little nauseous in the mornings but not terrible. It is approaching the time for her first doctor visit. We went on a tour of one hospital in our area - it was weird to be touring a hospital thinking we are actually planning on using this place... well more to follow ahead stay tuned!!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Bail me out too Uncle Sam!!!

Wow, $700 BILLION bucks....thanks but no thanks. What a deal a debacle of bad business decisions all erased as the government scurries around to work out a bail out deal. Now I will not pretend to be smart enough to understand either the circumstances of doing something verses nothing but I am smart enough to know that it is a ton of money that we do not have. With the financial markets in question it made me glad that Candace and I took part of Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University. It was an eye opener for sure. Can we really live a debt free life in America? I don't know but it has to be worth a shot right? Think about it, completely debt free... that has to rock.

Candace and I are on our way, we have some of my school debt and our house and then we can celebrate. Think about this, we as Americans view debt as a necessity, matter of fact we often do not consider debt really debt. Home Depot, Best Buy, and any furniture store sells to you on the premise that you can "Pay over the next 5 years Interest Free" Americans take this hook, line and sinker. Sign me up and max me out. Matter of fact I use to be the same way, shoot I can afford $50 a month...but are you getting ahead? The average person using plastic spends 25-30% more on their purchase, and don't even think about it if you miss paying it off on time...ok a little side tangent but back to the point... when people think about how much debt they have they think the big stuff, House, Car..they do not think about the little purchases, the zero percent cards, etc. Americans need to wake up and live a life within the means of their wages. This crisis has a two fold bad guy

1. the underwriters of the paper, they new what they were doing but business was good

2. the receivers of the loans. People should know what they can and cannot afford. If you live well within your means you can adapt as circumstances change in your life.

Now to tie this back to the baby theme.....what does this mean for our future, our kids.... I don't' know but it does make you think. I know that by living a life within our means we will be able to adapt to the changing markets. I plan to teach my young'n the value of a dollar and how to use it wisely.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

8 weeks...wow it must be real

...OK so today I was just working away and my lovely wife sends me an email saying it is officially 8 weeks. She then wanted to also celebrate with subway (face it where else can you get a satisfying meal for 2 (or 2 1/16) for 5 bucks...seriously anywhere?..) As I am super stoked about the idea of being a father there is something weird when you think that there is a little one the size of a grape growing inside my wife's belly. I guess it will not be really real until I see the sonogram or hear the heartbeat but the excitement is building.