Monday, September 29, 2008

Cracker Jack MBA

so as I approach the end of the MBA journey I started to think "was this worth it" This journey started just about three years ago, cost about $30,000 and many hours of my time. My last class is the big daddy Capstone class. In this class we are forced to work in teams and due to the transition I am doing everything online. One of our team members was ridiculously lazy, wrote poorly, and put no effort into the team. It took almost four weeks before the proverbial poo hit the fan. This team member submitted a final draft for one section of our project that was completely unacceptable (this was so bad that if I had submitted it to my 5th grade teacher she would've failed me). DUN DUN DUN.... the confrontation

Being the meek quite type (sarcasm) I spoke up and let this team member know that he wasn't pulling his weight. What does he do? emails the entire team and said he quit because of what I said. (my email wasn't that bad). So for the next week he didn't participate in our group and we were forced to redo his portion of the assignment. Something that should have taken two weeks we now only had two days. We did it, finished it and the professor gave us great compliments on it..but back to the story...

This team member (after the majority of the work was done) emailed everyone an apology and asked to be accepted back in. ...yeah I was shocked... it gets even better.

The professor had a conference call with everyone to discuss how we could let this individual back into the group. The professor worked every angle she could to get us to allow him back in, she actually believed him that he is trying.

We stood firm , he was not allowed back into our group and I really do not know what has happened to him since. This experience really ticked me off and got me thinking "What's the MBA really worth?"

If the professor and this student had their way he would've been accepted back in, done minimal work and walked out with the same grade and degree that I did. Then this guy getting into the "real world" proclaims that he earned an MBA from Keller bam the value of my MBA just dropped.

I take pride in my work, I am running a 3.95 GPA for my grad classes but if the school and professors continue to pass through undeserving students the value of the MBA program will diminish little by little.

The title to this blog Cracker Jack MBA.... It's like grabbing a box of cracker jacks, dumping out the popcorn to find your prize,

there it is...the golden ticket...

a nicely packaged MBA Diploma lucky dog you...

1 comment:

MrsYak said...

I think its worth it! Not only has this experience opened your eyes to new ideas, it has strengthened our marriage. I have a greater appreciation for you and am able to see capabilities I could not have otherwise. I am proud of you! Keep it up! Only 3 more months!!