Wow, $700 BILLION bucks....thanks but no thanks. What a deal a debacle of bad business decisions all erased as the government scurries around to work out a bail out deal. Now I will not pretend to be smart enough to understand either the circumstances of doing something verses nothing but I am smart enough to know that it is a ton of money that we do not have. With the financial markets in question it made me glad that Candace and I took part of Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University. It was an eye opener for sure. Can we really live a debt free life in America? I don't know but it has to be worth a shot right? Think about it, completely debt free... that has to rock.
Candace and I are on our way, we have some of my school debt and our house and then we can celebrate. Think about this, we as Americans view debt as a necessity, matter of fact we often do not consider debt really debt. Home Depot, Best Buy, and any furniture store sells to you on the premise that you can "Pay over the next 5 years Interest Free" Americans take this hook, line and sinker. Sign me up and max me out. Matter of fact I use to be the same way, shoot I can afford $50 a month...but are you getting ahead? The average person using plastic spends 25-30% more on their purchase, and don't even think about it if you miss paying it off on time...ok a little side tangent but back to the point... when people think about how much debt they have they think the big stuff, House, Car..they do not think about the little purchases, the zero percent cards, etc. Americans need to wake up and live a life within the means of their wages. This crisis has a two fold bad guy
1. the underwriters of the paper, they new what they were doing but business was good
2. the receivers of the loans. People should know what they can and cannot afford. If you live well within your means you can adapt as circumstances change in your life.
Now to tie this back to the baby theme.....what does this mean for our future, our kids.... I don't' know but it does make you think. I know that by living a life within our means we will be able to adapt to the changing markets. I plan to teach my young'n the value of a dollar and how to use it wisely.
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