Thursday, November 20, 2008
20 Pounds and Falling!!!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Thank you Mr. Soldier Man!

I believe that any US Vet should have a paid day off on Veterans Day, I believe more education and information should be given within the workplace. Today I didn't realize it was Veterans day until 9 a.m.

We owe our veterans more than 1 day, more than a nod of gratitude. These people sacrifice time away from their family and their country. They have seen horrible things that will taint them forever..why? All to keep our freedoms in place that we so often take for granted.
Take time today to thank a Veteran, express to them the gratitude that you have for what they have done for our great country.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Hogtastic: my amature review of my HD test ride:

Thursday, November 6, 2008
...a throw back to yesteryears!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
is that Beth Ditto I hear singing?

Now there is no doubt that i will start getting witty emails from my conservative friends filled with disrespect and fear of the new leader. Emails that tell me to move to Canada or show Obama falling off a cliff
...but I am not fearful of the future, I will not be moving to Canada, an I am not embarrassed to call Obama my president. I am, however, concerned for the direction of the country, I am concerned for what the people of this country want. This concern stems from the observation that we are moving further and further away from the values that this nation was founded on. This nation now allows such sinful things like abortion and gay marriage and the number of people appalled to it is less and less. President Elect Obama is in support of a hate crime bill that (in the way it is currently written) will prohibit anyone from speaking against homosexuality. Even quoting the bible can become a criminal offense.
Our nation will march on, day by day and year by year. God allowing, in four years from now we will vote again if we are unhappy with the job that Obama is doing, but my concern is in the direction away from God that our nation appears to be running and just how long the mighty Master above will allow it? This is not just evident in the presidential results but evident in the congressional, senate, and other bills that were voted for too.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Tomorrow is it

Living in Memphis, a diverse city, you see signs for both Candidates. Some are for a hope of Change and others are for McCain's visions for the US. What really bothers me though is the fact that there is this "infatuation" with Obama. My wife and I were strolling , yes strolling (it's a southern thing) through the Mall the other day and I noticed at a rather trendy store they had Obama shirts, these were not your typical campaign $5 fruit of the loom t-shirts. These were trendy shirts with cool logos and sayings. I was not really shocked but perplexed as why they only had one candidates shirt...could it be they sold out of McCain shirts? I doubt it.
It seems that for this election there are many people voting just to vote. They see Barrack for who they think he is and the icon they want to represent America but I find a very large number of voters are clueless about why they are voting for him.
I have heard several reasons to vote for Obama
- It would be great to have a Black president: I agree, however, I think it would be great if the 1st African American President is a good one. I do not think color of skin justifies a vote
- I am for change: however, most voters fail to tell me what this change is. What is so bad in their life that they need change
- Bush recked the economy it's time for a democrat: Anyone who thinks that one person has that much control is living in a fantasy world. In America we have a thing called Congress that is responsible for the majority of what happens. There were many things that show that the republican party tried to instill safe guards against some of the economic meltdowns, however, the resistance of the dems ceased the efforts.
- I just like how he speaks: Well I can see how this can be important after listening to "W" speak for the last 8 years it would be nice to have an eloquent speaker represent the USA, however, I would rather have substance than pretty talks.
Now bottom line, I don't care who you vote for, each person has the ability to vote for the candidate that he/she feels will most closely align to their values. What I would like to see is people that can back up who they are voting for with substance. Whether your choice is McCain or Obama be able to logically debate and say why you are voting for the candidate. Sometimes I feel there should be IQ test, or candidate test. You should be able to identify with what your candidate stands for, or against. No one person is going to agree 100% with the candidate that they vote for, at least I hope not.
Wake-up America! Educate yourself, and don't rely just on one source of Media to get your information.