Wednesday, November 5, 2008

is that Beth Ditto I hear singing?

The Nation has spoken and the fat lady has sung (rather loudly and slightly off key). I don't think anyone is in surprise over last nights results. This man, the next president of the United States was able to gain popularity amongst young, old, black, white; his image has popped up on T-shirts, shoes, posters, mosaics, billboards, murals, and about everything else one could imagine. His support has rallied from California to Maine to Kenya and Iran. Last night analyst were calling him an Universal Iconic Symbol. Well if you have read any of my previous post you will not be shocked to find out that I did not vote for Obama. He and I just don't quit see eye to eye on more than a few very important issues. However, those differences have to be overlooked because God has placed Barrak Obama as the future head of the United States. God has also placed me under his leadership to respect and follow his lead.

Now there is no doubt that i will start getting witty emails from my conservative friends filled with disrespect and fear of the new leader. Emails that tell me to move to Canada or show Obama falling off a cliff

...but I am not fearful of the future, I will not be moving to Canada, an I am not embarrassed to call Obama my president. I am, however, concerned for the direction of the country, I am concerned for what the people of this country want. This concern stems from the observation that we are moving further and further away from the values that this nation was founded on. This nation now allows such sinful things like abortion and gay marriage and the number of people appalled to it is less and less. President Elect Obama is in support of a hate crime bill that (in the way it is currently written) will prohibit anyone from speaking against homosexuality. Even quoting the bible can become a criminal offense.

Our nation will march on, day by day and year by year. God allowing, in four years from now we will vote again if we are unhappy with the job that Obama is doing, but my concern is in the direction away from God that our nation appears to be running and just how long the mighty Master above will allow it? This is not just evident in the presidential results but evident in the congressional, senate, and other bills that were voted for too.

1 comment:

Jeremy Joseph said...

great minds think alike my friend. I proudly voted for McCain even though I knew it probably wouldn't make that much of a difference. The point is in the end, you have to choose whether its with the majority or the minority. I typically have a good gut about these things and my gut told me there are too many unknowns about Obama. He's extremely talented but questionable.