Thursday, November 20, 2008

20 Pounds and Falling!!!

well six weeks in and I hit the big 20 lbs mark, now I did shave my beard which was getting quit bushy but I do not think that added much to the scale. The diet plan that I embarked on was 400 calories 4x a day every 4 hours. Now this is no scientific diet it is simply about the calories. I have found that this works well for me and makes me exhibit some self control. Eating now goes from being a time to gorge out to a careful selection of what will be the most filling 400 calories that I can consume. Eating this way over the last 6 weeks have put things into perspective also. We eat to live not live to eat. Now I am not a health nut but it is amazing how much better a person feels by only loosing 20 lbs. I have another 10 lbs that I would like to shed by the end of the year, that will get me below the 200 mark something I haven't seen in a long time. As I get closer to that mark I will ease up a little, take more cheat meals but I like the smaller, lighter me!

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