Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Thank you Mr. Soldier Man!

..ah Veterans Day... sadly probably the most over looked and under appreciated days on the Calendar. What does it mean? Do you stop to think about it? We live in a country that allows us the freedom to Worship as we choose, go do and say what we want, own guns, assemble at will, vote leaders into office. All the freedoms that we enjoy are because Men and Women bravely fought for our freedom. This tradition started in 1919 with President Wilson however I do not think it does justice for soldiers.

I believe that any US Vet should have a paid day off on Veterans Day, I believe more education and information should be given within the workplace. Today I didn't realize it was Veterans day until 9 a.m.

We owe our veterans more than 1 day, more than a nod of gratitude. These people sacrifice time away from their family and their country. They have seen horrible things that will taint them forever..why? All to keep our freedoms in place that we so often take for granted.

Take time today to thank a Veteran, express to them the gratitude that you have for what they have done for our great country.

1 comment:

MrsYak said...

well, thank you for all that you said....well done! I did not thank a veteran on Veterans Day, but there are so many times when I see men in uniform that I want to say thank you to. Maybe now I will have the guts to do so.