Tuesday, October 7, 2008

A Birth, A Wedding, A New Computer

What a weekend, Candace and I traveled up to Northern IL for a wedding. While we were there we were able to spend some time with family and have an early Thanksgiving with my family to eliminate the need for a return trip next month. Turkey and dressing in October just does not taste the same. The meal was good, the company was great but it was just weird having a Thanksgiving dinner prior to Halloween.

The wedding we attended was very nice, Congrats Matt & Tasha!! On Monday my cousins Matt and his wife Sarah had their first child..very cute Congrats Guys!!

Upon returning home we were forced to purchase a new computer. My 7 year old machine decided it was time to go to the computer afterlife, now for the joy of transferring all the data that I can pull out. It would not have been such an urgent purchase if I was done with school but unfortunately it is required for me to do my homework in Office 2007 and my work laptop is 2003... oh well this purchase will be very useful once the baby comes.

On the baby front Candace has her 1st doctor appointment in the morning. I don't know what to expect, I of course will go along for support however, I am not sure what I am getting myself into...i'll update you tomorrow.

1 comment:

Jayson said...

You know, our crazy friends to the North have their Thanksgiving every year on Columbus day. What a bunch of crazies! Personally, I like celebrating both Thanksgivings. More good food for me.