Friday, October 17, 2008

Fat Dad....not if I can help it.

so in an effort to avoid looking like the gentlement picutred left I have embarked on my yearly weight loss program. You see I am not much on the whole diet and exercise bit but I do want to look and feel healthy. I really do not want to look like a fat dad in May when we get pictures with our first baby.
Last time I was home my dad say "hey you've got the executive gut"...and with that I knew it was time. Anytime the scale approaches the 230 mark it's time to cut back and work to drive it back down.
I find it very hard to "eat" healthy in the work place. We are constantly going to business lunches..eating wonderful fattening lunches on the companys dime. This with the lack of excersise tends to increase ones waist.
The diet that I am embarking on has a good history with me. Last year I lost 20 some lbs in one month (acourse there was money on the line then). I eat four 400 calorie meals. (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Snack) and try to walk a couple miles in the evening.
So far the progress is going well. I am down 6 lbs in 5 days and I am not constantly starving like on other diets. Subway becomes a frequent friend (6 inch Chicken breast on wheat..hold the cheese)

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