Monday, October 27, 2008

Do they make one for babys???

So, browsing the internet I found this interesting picture. I first thought wow, no more excuses we could take the bike on long trips and take the pooch also. But then I got looking at this picture a little closer, what 1%er would be seen caring a lil pooch like this one? It isn't quite the "tough bad biker dog", then I thought, umm put my wife's lil Maltese in this the image goes even down from there.
Everyone at work lately has been telling me I need to get ride of the bike now that there is a little one on the way. I tell them all the same thing...Oh I have it under control. I just purchased a backpack type carrier for the baby, should allow me to carry the baby while I ride. No i would never do that but it is fun to get the responses.
It is amazing how quickly the baby grows. On Friday Candace had another doctors appointment in which they did another sonogram. From this one you could clearly tell that it was a baby and not just a glob of left over mashed potatoes. You could see the baby sucking its toes and hands, moving around, and you could even hear the heartbeat. It is cool to think all this is going on and the baby is only 2 inches long. How can anyone look at that image and claim that it isn't a real baby yet is beyond me.
Well good news everyone is healthy and in two more months we get to see how much more the baby has grown.

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