Monday, October 13, 2008

...garage sale bargin or not....

So this weekend Candace and I decided that we would get a jump on things. It is still very nice down here so the garage sales were in full swing. We thought we would venture out and see if we could find any "bargains".

This trip was for the most part unsuccessful, we did pick up a baby bathtub thingy for $3.00. This item probably sells in stores for $25.00 netting us a $22.00 savings. But then you think about it we spent probably about 3 hours "garage saleing" and drove probably 20 miles.

Gas Cost: 1.33 Gallons x $3.25 = $4.32

now the savings drops from $22 down to $17.68

Divide that out by the 3 hours we spent and in essence Candace and I made a combined $5.89 an hour.

Hopefully the next trip out will be more rewarding. One thing that I noticed was how dirty things were at the sales. Why would people not clean items that they were putting up for sale. We were in nice communities, with nice homes, and presumably nice people - I would be embarrassed to have dirty items sitting out for the neighbors to come and buy.

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