- Abortion - This is a big issue for me. I cannot vote for a candidate that believes Abortion is a viable alternative. This goes again my moral code of ethics. This also puts me on the republican ticket the majority of the time. Last night Obama tried to reason his pro-choice votes but it comes down to the fact that he is pro-choice. Bottom line I have to go for McCain.
No I think and expect some criticism for this, which is fair that is part of the lovely country we live in. Each person can make their decision based upon their own belief system and what they feel is best. We do not have to agree, or like what the other person says ..and at the end of the day That's OK!!!. For me human life is more important than Money, economic issues, etc. That is why i vote Pro-Life. I think Roe v Wade was one of the greatest upsets in American history
- Economics - This is another issues (much smaller one than Abortion) I worry about both of the Senators plans. I do not think either of them have proven themselves to be an economic savior. Obama announced the other day that his plan would allow for people to take money out of the 401K's penalty free for a period of time. If this happens - look out. Economic chaos continues. McCain on the other hand does not have any brilliant ideas either (although I do like the limited government approach). American has spent itself into a problem. We pay Medicare- which we cannot afford, we borrow from any country that will give it. We need to scale back spending in a major way. Limit the "perks" of government. Pay people that deserve it (teachers, police, fireman,) decent salaries but cut back on Congress' salaries. Why is my state senator making $160K a year and my teachers $30,000K
- Health Care is another issue they touched on last night. I don't think anyone has a great plan. Obama thinks socialized health care is the answer...scary on many levels. McCain thinks that the government should stipend you for your health care - why? When has health care became a right of living in America? If we focused on creating jobs and benefited the company's for providing health care packages there need for health care would largely be met....
End of the day either candidate will not be able to do what they say. The presidential position is much more of a figure head than what we often think. Congress is votes and passes through the majority of what is decided on. And as a christian I am called to respect either candidate that gets elected.
Romans 13 1-2
1. Every person is to be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God. 2. Therefore whoever resists authority has opposed the ordinance of God ; and they who have opposed will receive condemnation upon themselves.
1 comment:
I'm voting Libertarian. Both parties fail our country.
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